  • Two photography exhibits by students in Assistant Professor of Art Rob Knight’s classes will be displayed on campus this week. Sixteen Advanced Photography students are exhibiting their final projects on May 13-16, in the Sadove Student Center basement. A reception for that exhibit will be held Tuesday, May 13, at 5 p.m. Students from Introduction to Photography will present their final projects in an exhibit open from May 13-18 in the Bristol Hub.

  • Assistant Professor of Photography Rob Knight took his Advanced Photography class on a field trip to visit Light Work and ArtRage in Syracuse on April 24.  Both are non-profit gallery spaces committed to exhibiting emerging and mid-career artists.

  • Refocusing the Lens: Pranlal K. Patel’s Photographs of Women at Work in Ahmedabad,” an exhibition at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, closes on April 15. The exhibition is free and open to the public.

  • Two new photography exhibitions, “Refocusing the Lens: Pranlal Patel’s Photographs of Women at Work in Ahmedabad” and “In Context: The Portrait in Contemporary Photographic Practice” debut on Saturday, Feb. 1, at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art.

  • "Refocusing the Lens: Pranlal K. Patel’s Photographs of Women at Work in Ahmedabad" hasn’t yet opened at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art. But that hasn’t kept ARTnews from noticing and celebrating the upcoming exhibition on its website and in print. The publication’s  Jan. 23 article, “10 Must-See Museum Photo Shows of Spring 2014,” includes the Wellin exhibition along with shows at prestigious institutions including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Yale University Art Gallery and the High Museum of Art.

  • On Feb. 1 of next semester, the Wellin Museum of Art will showcase two very special exhibitions side-by-side: In Context: The Portrait in Contemporary Photographic Practice, and Refocusing the Lens: Pranlal Patel’s Photographs of Women at Work in Ahmedabad. What makes these exhibitions so special is that they will represent the culmination of two semester-long interdisciplinary courses that have been co-taught by Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight and Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi.

  • As artist Arlene Shechet explains, “Part of the process (of making art) is seeing art and talking about art.” Hamilton’s senior art majors had the opportunity to do just that on Oct. 25-27, taking a break from their own studios to go to New York City to visit five practicing artists.

  • Hannah Grace O'Connell ’14 and Alison Ritacco ’14 presented “Sharing Sacred Space: Possibilities and Pragmatics” at the 45th annual Pioneer America Society: Association for the Preservation of Artifacts and Landscapes conference on Oct. 11.

  • Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi and Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight took their classes (History 370 and Art 370) on a field trip to the Eastman Museum in Rochester and to Light Work in Syracuse on Oct. 3. 

  • Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight presented an invited lecture about his work on Sept. 23 at PrattMWP in Utica. His talk was part of the Easton Pribble Visiting Artist Lecture Series.


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