  • Hamilton College will construct a new PGA-quality golf practice facility and name it for longtime professor and coach Bob Simon, President David Wippman announced.

  • The entire spring issue of the Journal of the Philosophy of Sports, the publication of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport, has been dedicated to Professor of Philosophy Emeritus Robert Simon’s scholarship on philosophy and sports.

  • Walcott D. Bartlett Professor of Philosophy Robert Simon presented a lecture, “Theories of Sport: Their Nature, Significance, and Application” on Oct. 17 at Penn State University.

  • Scott Kretchmar, professor of exercise and sport science at Penn State University, will present a lecture titled “Joe Paterno: Assessment of a Legacy,” on Sunday, April 28, at 7:30 p.m., in the Kirner-Johnson Building’s Bradford Auditorium. His lecture is sponsored by the Hamilton College philosophy department, and is free and open to the public.

  • Heather Reid, an expert on the philosophical foundations of the Olympic Games, will present a lecture titled “Athletics and Philosophy in Ancient Greece: The Ethics of Excellence,” on Monday, April 22, at 7:30 p.m., in the Kennedy Auditorium, Taylor Science Center. Her lecture is sponsored by the philosophy department and is free and open to the public.

  • Robert Simon, the Marjorie and Robert W. McEwen Professor of Philosophy, was interviewed for a Los Angeles Times article about truthfulness in golf. In “Honesty Suits Golf to a Tee” (9/26/10), the writer reports that 14-year-old Zach Nash is returning the first-place medal he won at a tournament in August after he realized he inadvertently played the match with an illegal number of clubs in his bag.

  • “In what ways is sport valuable?” asked philosopher Scott Kretchmar (rhetorically, of course) to the audience in the Science Center Kennedy Auditorium on April 21. The son of a baseball coach at Oberlin, Kretchmar was introduced to sport culture rather early in life. He grew up to be a self-proclaimed jock and even went so far as to major in physical education as an undergraduate.


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