  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley recently participated in an online panel hosted by Turner Classic Movies (TCM).

  • As an Appalachian old-time banjo and fiddler, Jake Blount ’17 has just finished recording an EP with fellow fiddler Tatiana Hargreaves that will be released in June. This summer he will work on a full-length album with his band, the Moose Whisperers; in the winter, he and his band plan to tour Scandinavia.

  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley recently presented a talk at the New England Chapter Meeting of the American Musicological Society (AMS-NE) at Smith College.

  • Jake Blount ’17 just disproved the notion that practice makes perfect. Blount, a banjo player, put together an impromptu old-time string band, the Moose Whisperers, for a performance at the Appalachian String Band Festival (Clifftop) in West Virginia and took home first place.

  • A Hamilton student, alumnus and professor with a shared interest in the “Ithaca style” of music gathered this summer in North Carolina to enjoy their craft.

  • Jake Meserve Blount ’17 is spending his summer pursuing a fieldwork project under the advisement of Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley titled “Fiddles in the North Country: Uncovering the Ithaca Sound.” Blount’s research is funded through an Emerson Foundation Grant.

  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley presented a paper titled “‘Shattered Image’: Appalachian White-Trash Femininities in the Songs of Dolly Parton” at the annual meeting of the Society for American Music held March 5-9 in Lancaster, Pa.

  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley presented a paper titled “Elizabethan Music in 1930s America: Paul Green’s Symphonic Drama, The Lost Colony (1937)” at the annual meeting of the American Musicological Society held Nov. 7-10 in Pittsburgh, Pa.

  • Lydia Hamessley, professor of music, presented a talk titled “Elizabethan Music Then and Now: Music in Paul Green’s The Lost Colony (1937)” at the international conference New Elizabethans 1953-2013: Nation, Culture, and Modern Identity,  that coincided with the 60-year anniversary of the coronation.  The conference was held June 13-15 in London, UK.

  • Hamilton College’s highest awards for teaching were presented to three faculty members during the annual Class & Charter Day ceremony on May 13. Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Abhishek Amar and Rob Knight, assistant professor of art, received awards. Assistant Professor of Government Ted Lehmann was named the recipient of Student Assembly’s Sidney Wertimer Award.

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