  • Caroline Rudd ’16 has been awarded a national Beinecke Scholarship. Each Beinecke scholar receives $4,000 immediately prior to entering graduate school and an additional $30,000 while attending graduate school. In the 2015 competition 85 students were nominated and 20 awards were given.

  • John McEnroe, the John and Anne Fischer Professor in Fine Arts, is co-leader of a team that is working on a complete architectural survey of the town of Gournia on the island of Crete. The work was highlighted in a lengthy article in the May/June issue of Archaeology magazine. “The Minoans of Crete” focused on site excavation that began more than a century ago.

  • This semester marks the introduction of a new course in the college’s Art History department: African-American Art and Black Historical Experience. The proseminar, taught by Professor Stephen J. Goldberg, is the first in the College’s history to reevaluate Western art from the African-American perspective.

  • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art a two-year, $100,000 grant to study the museum’s educational programs for local public schools. The study will help the Wellin Museum work more effectively with public school educators to supplement school curricula within the structure of the Common Core requirements. Study results will be used to create new programming for the museum. 

  • “Some exhibitions are very good and you leave with a feeling that the artist met your expectations ... But there are those rare shows where the artist actually raises the bar and the work leaves you feeling as if you've been privy to something extraordinary.” So began the Syracuse Post-Standard review by writer Katherine Rushworth of the Wellin Museum’s current exhibition, “Force of Nature.” The show is scheduled to close on Sunday, April 5.

  • The Huffington Post recently named Katharine Kuharic, the Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art, one of the “13 Artists You Should Fall in Love With This Spring,” and Whitewall magazine featured one of her paintings in a slideshow of highlights from The Armory Show.

  • The Hamilton College Orchestra, conducted by Heather Buchman, presents the annual Brainstorm! concert on Sunday, March 8,  at 3 p.m., in Wellin Hall, Schambach Center for Music and the Performing Arts. This concert is free and open to the public.

  • A painting by Katharine Kuharic, the Kevin W. Kennedy Professor of Art, is included in The Armory Show March 5-8 on Piers 92 and 94 on Manhattan’s west side. “The Nipple I Never Knew” (2015) is part of the P.P.O.W. Gallery exhibition.

  • Assistant Professor of Physics Kate Jones-Smith led a gallery talk and discussion on the mathematical and scientific concepts reflected in the Wellin Museum’s current exhibition Alyson Shotz: Force of Nature. The Feb. 19 talk explored how different practical and theoretical elements of math and science apply to Shotz’s work on display, many of which are sculptures named after scientific and mathematical terminology. 

  • An etching by Scholar-in-Residence Amy Buchholz ’80 was selected for inclusion in the 2015 Delta National Small Prints Exhibition. The show continues through Feb. 27 at Arkansas State University’s Bradbury Gallery.


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