  • Professors of Economics Paul Hagstrom and Stephen Wu and Assistant Professor of Economics Javier Pereira are the co-authors of an article appearing online in the Journal of Refugee Studies.

  • Professor of Economics Stephen Wu was recently invited to become a member of the World Wellbeing Panel, a research program that promotes “wellbeing as the ultimate purpose of all major decision makers, particularly government.”

  • Professor of Economics Stephen Wu has analyzed attitudes towards gun control from a 2013 Levitt Center survey of American high school sophomore, junior and senior students.

  • Hamilton College has announced the members of the Search Committee that will recommend the college’s next president to the Board of Trustees and created a website to report on the committee’s progress. The college is seeking a president to succeed Joan Hinde Stewart, who announced her decision to retire on June 30, 2016.

  • NPR’s science correspondent Shankar Vedantam featured a study on character versus performance and compensation in the National Football League (NFL) that began as Kendall Weir’s senior thesis by under the direction of Professor of Economics Stephen Wu. The Dec. 18 broadcast on NPR’s Morning Edition highlighted the results of Weir ’12 and Wu’s paper titled “Criminal Records and the Labor Market for Professional Athletes” published in The Journal of Sports Economics.

  • “Manning or Leaf? A Lesson in Intangibles,” a New York Times article that addressed the decision-making processes used in selecting players for professional teams, referenced a study of performance versus pay in the NFL draft conducted by Professor of Economics Stephen Wu and his student Kendall Weir. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution featured an interview with Wu focused on the same study in its Sunday, May 4, edition.

  • A recent TIME magazine article titled “Study: Pregnancy Doesn’t Make Black Women Happier” focused on a study forthcoming in the Review of Economics of the Household by Professors of Economics Stephen Wu and Paul Hagstrom.

  • Professor of Economics Stephen Wu participated in the 2014 American Economic Association Annual Meetings, held in Philadelphia on Jan. 3-5.  He was part of panel discussion of online learning in economics courses in a session titled "Research in Economic Education."

  • Despite the fact that most high school students feel relatively safe in their schools, a significant number are concerned about the possibility of a mass shooting in their school or community, according to a new national poll of high school seniors conducted by Hamilton College’s Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center in conjunction with Knowledge Networks.

  • Professor of Economics Stephen Wu has been appointed to the editorial board of The Journal of Socio-Economics.  The journal publishes papers that deal with various economic topics but also involve issues that are related to other social sciences, such as psychology and sociology.

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