  • The Chicago Sun-Times featured alumnus Kendall Weir ’12 and Professor of Economics Stephen Wu’s study, “The Effects of Character on NFL Draft Status and Subsequent Performance,” in an article discussing the upcoming National Football League draft and the prospects of Notre Dame linebacker Mante Te’o. New Jersey's largest news website, NJ.com, also devoted to the research.

  • Hamilton College has joined The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand and Victoria University of Wellington as a sponsoring institution of the International Journal of Wellbeing (IJW). According to its website, the IJW “was launched on 31st January 2011 in order to promote interdisciplinary research on wellbeing.”

  • The national media highlighted Hamilton College in multiple ways throughout 2012 by focusing on faculty research and expertise, featuring opinion pieces, and announcing new endeavors and special student projects. From The Today Show to NPR’s All Things Considered to The Chronicle of Higher Education, the college was visible in the media across the country.

  • Professor of Economics Stephen Wu was selected to be a co-editor for the International Journal of Wellbeing (IJW). Wu previously served on the editorial board.

  • “More Information Isn’t Always Better: The Case of Voluntary Provision of Environmental Quality,” a paper by Professors of Economics Ann Owen, Julio Videras and Stephen Wu, was published in the July issue of the journal Economic Inquiry.

  • Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds announced the promotion of seven Hamilton faculty members to the rank of professor. Mark Bailey, computer science; Kevin Grant, history; Elaine Heekin, dance and movement studies; Seth Major, physics;  Robert Martin, government; Joseph Mwantuali, French; and Stephen Wu, economics,  were promoted effective July 1.

  • Only A Game, an award-winning weekly sports magazine broadcast by National Public Radio, featured an interview with Associate Professor of Economics Stephen Wu about his and senior Kendall Weir’s study, “The Effects of Character on NFL Draft Status and Subsequent Performance.”

  • “A provocative new study suggests an almost surefire way for any GM to maximize the value of his pick: Choose a player who's already had a run-in with the law,” wrote Associated Press sports columnist Jim Lidke. His assertion referred to statistics reported in a thesis written by Kendall Weir ’12 under the direction of Associate Professor of Economics Stephen Wu. The article, "Undecided who to draft? Scan his rap sheet" was published on April 19 and has appeared in dozens of publications and media sites across the country.

  • Associate Professor of Economics Stephen Wu discussed his recent work on the economics of happiness in an invited lecture on March 13 at Williams College. The lecture was for Williams’ Class of 1960 Scholars Seminar.

  • Four Hamilton economics professors published “The influence of social relationships on pro-environment behaviors” in the January issue of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. The article was co-authored by Associate Professor of Economics Julio Videras, Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics Ann L. Owen, Assistant Professor of Economics Emily Conover and Associate Professor of Economics Stephen Wu.


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