  • Marianne Janack, professor of philosophy, presented papers at two different sessions at the recent American Philosophical Association meetings. She presented a paper titled “Rorty’s Sellars” about Richard Rorty’s uses of the figure of American philosopher Wilfrid Sellars, and she gave a talk titled “Richard Rorty, Rocks, and Realism,” in which she discussed Rorty's criticism of physicist Steve Weinberg.

  • Professor of Philosophy Marianne Janack  was an invited speaker at an international conference held in Madrid, Spain. The conference, titled After Irony: Discourse, Forms of Life, and Politics, brought together scholars from Europe, the U.S., South America and Canada working on issues at the intersection of discourse ethics, popular culture and philosophy.

  • An article titled “A Good Forgetting” by Professor of Philosophy Marianne Janack was published online on June 4 in Aeon Magazine. In the article, Janack discussed the pros and cons of both remembering and forgetting, and the influence of emotion and other factors on how the brain processes memories.

  • Professor of Philosophy Marianne Janack  was an invited speaker at a symposium on Philosophy as a Transitional Genre hosted by the Stony Brook University Philosophy Department from May 1-3.

  • "Behold, I Tell You a Mystery," a creative essay written by Professor of Philosophy Marianne Janack, was published in the literary journal Stone Canoe (issue 8). The essay explores death, the body and personality, and the mysterious process by which amalgams of cells become beloved people.

  • The scholarly achievements of female faculty authors in the humanities and social sciences at Hamilton College were celebrated at a book party in the Burke Library this winter. 

  • What We Mean by Experience by Professor of Philosophy Marianne Janack was recently published by Stanford University Press.

  • While part of the Kenyon Review writing workshop in literary non-fiction this summer, Sidney Wertimer Professor of Philosophy Marianne Janack read an essay titled "Ducati Vasectomy: A Lesson in Logic." That essay has just been published in the most recent issue of Zone 3. The essay is a meditation on danger, promises, marriage and possibility.

  • Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds announced the promotion of five Hamilton faculty members to the rank of professor.  Todd Franklin, philosophy; Marianne Janack, philosophy; Katherine Kuharic, art; Bruce Walczyk, dance and movement studies; and Steven Yao, English and creative writing, were promoted effective July 1.

  • Marianne Janack's essay, "On Love and Virtue: a Commentary on Raja Halwani," has just been published in the volume titled Sex, Love, and Friendship by Rodopi Publishers.  Janack is the Sidney WertimerAssociate Professor of Philosophy.  The volume is a collection of papers presented at the annual conferences of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love from 1993-2003.


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