Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies Claire Mouflard's article, "Noire n’est pas leur métier : solidarités intersectionnelles et militantisme antiraciste chez Rokhaya Diallo et Aïssa Maïga," was published in the edited volume Solid/taires :Féminismes et sororités dans les productions artistiques françaises et francophones. The volume was edited by Ramona Mielusel and published by Brill.
In her article, Mouflard analyzes the antiracist actions taken by French activist Rokhaya Diallo in her publications, films, and podcast, and by French actress Aïssa Maïga in her contributions to the collective volume Noire n’est pas mon métier. While Diallo’s work is decidedly anchored in contemporary politics with a constant eye on France’s colonial past and responsibilities, Maïga’s testimonies reveal the systemic racism and sexism that plague the French artistic scene.
Together, these two artists turned activists are redefining French feminism and spreading advocacy for an antiracist, intersectional form of feminism, all the while challenging the French republic’s utopian concept of "liberté, égalité, fraternité."