Community Living
Residence Hall Housing Agreement
All students living in College-owned housing are expected to review and abide by the Hamilton College Housing Agreement. This agreement lists important dates during the academic year, meal plan options and information about billing for damage to College property, key replacement and return, room changes, and liability for College and personal property. This agreement is binding for the academic year. Any student found responsible for a violation of this policy will be subject to relevant conduct sanctions.
Responsibility for Personal Property
The College is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged. This includes property damaged in a flood, fire or other event in the residence halls. It is advisable to protect belongings with insurance through a homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy. Doors and windows should be kept locked to prevent theft. In the case of theft or suspected theft, Campus Safety should be notified immediately.
Access to Student Rooms by College Officials
The College reserves the right to enter student rooms to perform routine maintenance, to inspect for fire, health or safety hazards, to investigate misuse or misappropriation of College or other property, and in the event of a missing student or for that student’s health and welfare.
Check-in/Check-out Procedures
At the beginning of each year, a room condition report will be completed for each room. This report is electronic and can be requested by emailing the Community Living Office. All students are responsible for checking the condition of their room when moving in and notifying their CA of any damage or missing furniture within three days upon moving into the room. Any damaged or missing items from the room will be charged to the individual(s) assigned to that space.
Room Assignments and Residence Hall Access
Hamilton believes in the educational value of sharing a room or suite with other students. A limited number of single rooms are available to upper-class students through the housing selection process.
A residence hall space is assigned to an enrolled, full-time student for the entire academic year. This assignment is not revocable except in the case of a student leaving the College between semesters.
Several residence halls are wheelchair accessible and provisions are made for students with physical disabilities. Students needing specific housing accommodations can submit a formal request for consideration by the Accommodation Committee.
The residence halls officially open for first-year students on the first day of Orientation in the fall. Returning students may move into their rooms as early as two days before the first day of classes for both the fall and spring semesters.
All residence halls remain open during the October, November, and spring breaks. Residence halls close for the winter break. At the end of the fall semester, students must vacate their rooms no later than 24 hours after their last exam. Students returning to the same room for the spring semester can leave their belongings in the room and lock their door while away from campus. At the end of the spring semester, first-year students, sophomores, and juniors must vacate their rooms and move all belongings out no later than 24 hours after their last exam; seniors must vacate their rooms no later than 10am on the day following Commencement.
The exterior doors of each residence hall are equipped with proximity sensors. Students have 24-hour access to their residence hall during the academic year using their Hill Card. Students may access other residence halls using their Hill Card between the hours of 8am and 11pm Sunday through Thursday and 8 am through 1 am Friday and Saturday. Students are welcome to visit any residence hall after hours but must be let in by a resident of that building.
Room Changes
Any requests for a room change must begin with a discussion with the resident advisor and/or area director. The Office of Community Living must approve all room changes before the change takes place. When a roommate/suitemate conflict happens, residents should work with their CA to find a solution to the problem or an agreement to resolve the conflict. Professional staff in Community Living are also available to facilitate mediations. There is a two-week period at the start of each semester when room changes are not permitted. This is intended to allow time for students to adjust to their living environments. Since it is important that the College have accurate information regarding housing assignments, students who make unapproved room changes will be subject to disciplinary action. The consequences for making an unapproved room change may include but are not limited to, the requirement to return to their originally assigned room, sanctions through the conduct process and/or a penalty in the upcoming housing selection process.
Room Vacancies
The College reserves the right to fill any vacancies in student rooms when necessary. Whenever possible, the Office of Community Living will make an effort to consult with current residents in making changes to roommate assignments. Community Living will only place a student who chooses gender neutral housing in a gender neutral vacancy. In keeping with the principles of fairness and guidelines for equitable community living, students are expected to welcome and accept new roommates. If it is determined that a student has been difficult with a new roommate, has sent communication to that person suggesting the other is anything other than welcomed and accepted, or has actively created a hostile environment, the Office of Community Living will take appropriate action that may include conduct consequences and/or reassignment to another residence hall room on campus.
Responsibility for Assigned Space
Every student is responsible for reasonably ensuring that all policies are followed in their assigned space. For example, if a fire safety violation is found in a common room of a suite or apartment, all students assigned to that space will be held accountable for the violation.
Housing Selection and Special Communities
First Year and Transfer Housing
First-year and transfer students are assigned rooms on the basis of their lifestyle habits. This information is communicated to the Office of Community Living through a housing questionnaire. First-year students live in doubles, triples, and quads together in specific buildings on campus. Returning students choose their rooms each spring through a housing selection process.
Gender Inclusive Housing
Students are permitted to live with any other student regardless of biological sex, gender identity and/or expression, except on floors designated as single gender. On floors designated as single gender, students must identify as sharing the designated gender of that floor.
Questions about single gender areas are welcomed and can be answered by the Office of Community Living. Requests for specific arrangements under this policy should be made at least two weeks before the applicable housing selection.
Housing Selection
Returning students select their rooms for the next academic year through participation in the housing selection process at the end of the spring semester. In order to be eligible for the process, students must have registered for classes for the fall semester. The housing selection information is updated in the middle of the spring semester. It contains information and requirements pertaining to the selection process and student eligibility.
Quiet Housing
Quiet living residents agree to a 24 hour quiet environment conducive to sleep and study. Students should expect normal noise (doors closing, lawn mowers, garbage removal, etc.) but residents agree to respect the rights of other community members to reside in a quiet environment at all times. The third floor of Skenandoa Residence Hall and the 4th floor of Bristol have been designated as “quiet” for the academic year.
Specialty Housing
Students may take advantage of a number of unique housing options on campus. Specialty housing has been designed to diversify the living/learning options at Hamilton in ways that encourage positive interaction among students within their unique residential communities.
Special Interest Communities
Students living in Special Interest Communities will build their community around a shared interest and will have funding and support for programs related to the topic.
Substance-Free Housing
Students living in substance-free housing agree to follow an alcohol and drug-free lifestyle where alcohol (and, of course, other illegal drugs) are not permitted in the residence hall. 120 College Hill Road, Anderson Road Apartments, Kirkland, McIntosh, Rogers Estate, and the 3rd floor of Minor are designated as substance-free for the academic year. Students who violate the alcohol or drug policy are subject to additional sanctions if the violation occurred in a substance-free residential area.
Individual Room Information
Cable Television/Satellite Dishes
Students are not permitted to use satellite dishes for their individual rooms, suites or apartments. Many residence hall lounges include a television with basic cable service and all student rooms have access to cable service.
Computer Network Jacks
Each residence hall room is equipped with one multi-purpose jack per student which includes a network, telephone, and cable connection. Students may connect to the high-speed campus network with their individual computer. Tampering with or altering the network is not allowed.
Condition and Cleaning
The condition of student rooms is assessed and a Room Condition Report is done by the Community Living staff prior to the beginning of the fall semester and again when any or all of the assigned occupants move out. Students are responsible for the condition of their assigned rooms and furnishings, and upon vacating their rooms are required to return them to their original condition. Students will be billed the full cost for any college-owned furniture not in the room when the student vacates the space. Students are also responsible for cleaning the room and removing all personal belongings. Vacuum cleaners and brooms are available in each residence hall for student use. Students whose rooms do not meet acceptable standards of cleanliness at any point during the academic year will be required to clean immediately. After the date of required move-out, students will be charged for any required additional cleaning and/or removal of personal belongings. The cost of repairing damage to the room will be charged to all of the occupants. Students needing repairs to their rooms should submit a work order request through their community advisor or Community Living.
Costs of damage repair in the residence halls are charged directly to the person(s) responsible. When damage occurs within individual residence halls and the responsible party is unknown, costs are prorated among building/suite residents.
Each student is provided with a desk, chair, dresser, bed frame, and mattress in their residence hall room. All College furniture placed in a room is the responsibility of the occupant(s) of that room and must remain in rooms throughout the academic year. Students will be charged the full replacement cost of missing or damaged furniture when they vacate the residence halls. In apartments, beds must remain in the bedroom and cannot be moved or used in the common areas due to fire prevention systems. The College reserves the right to prohibit arrangement of furniture that may cause personal injury, a blocking of the path of egress or damage to the furnishings.
Keys and Lockouts
Upon arriving on campus, each student is issued the key to their room. For safety and security reasons, residence hall exterior doors are locked 24 hours a day and are only accessible using the Hill Card. Students are expected to lock their doors and carry their key and ID (Hill Card) at all times. The College is not responsible for the theft of personal items from student rooms. Should a student be locked out of their room or the residence hall, assistance is available by calling Campus Safety. Repeated lockouts by a student will result in a $10.00 fine for each lockout.
For security reasons, the loss of a key should be reported immediately to the Office of Community Living and Campus Safety. The lock of the appropriate room will be changed to protect the safety of the student(s) living there. Students are charged for the cost of changing the locks.
Paint and Chalk
Students are not allowed to paint or chalk their rooms or in any other space in or on residence halls or other campus buildings. Students who paint or chalk may face disciplinary sanctions and will be charged a minimum of $500.00 for repairs.
Students who experience difficulty with a residence hall facility (i.e. sink, radiator, etc.) should notify their community advisor. If there is an emergency, such as a flood or loss of heat, students should call Campus Safety at 315-859-4141 or 315-859-4000 (emergency). The dispatcher will notify the appropriate personnel for assistance.
Room Personalization
Students may personalize their rooms by attaching posters, hanging pictures, LED lights or other items on the walls and rearranging furniture as they wish. Items must not cover smoke detectors. In order to be in compliance with State Fire Regulations, students may not have any of the prohibited items listed in this policy and must comply with the Residence Hall Fire Prevention and Safety Policy. Drapes or curtains in residence halls are only allowed if they are owned and installed by the College. No more than 50% of each wall can be covered with any material at one time in bedrooms. No tapestries or flags are allowed in any other spaces within residence halls other than bedrooms. Flags, tapestries and other items cannot be hung in residence hall windows or outside of residence hall windows for any reason. Any damages to the walls, floors or furnishings will be charged to the individual responsible. Students may bring additional furniture for their room or suite. College or personally owned furniture may not be taken or left outside.
Windows and Screens
For health and safety reasons, all screens must remain in windows at all times. Entering or exiting a building through a window is strictly prohibited. Any missing or damaged screens will be charged to the individual responsible. If your screen falls out for any reason, please contact your CA or Community Living.
Meal Plans
Each student must participate in a meal plan while classes are in session. All first-year students must participate in the Unlimited meal plan. Most sophomores and juniors will participate in the Unlimited meal plan (depending on where they live). Anderson Road Apartments, Griffin Road Apartments, Morris House Apartments, Rogers Estate, Saunders, Woollcott, and apartments in Kirkland, McIntosh, Minor and Milbank (regardless of class) have the option of participating in the 7 meal plan. All students (including those given an exception to live off-campus) must participate in the 7 meal plan at a minimum. Students with religious or medical restrictions need to consult with the associate dean of students for campus life if seeking an exception to the meal plan policy.
Meal Plan Appeal Process
Students who wish to appeal their meal plan status based on a medical necessity or religious restrictions must first meet with Tony Williams, senior general manager of Parkhurst Dining, to determine how those needs might be met. In rare cases when Parkhurst cannot accommodate a medical or religious need, students must send an appeal request to Travis Hill, associate dean of students for campus life. The appeal must be accompanied by documentation from a treating medical physician or religious leader qualified to assess the necessary restrictions that detail the specifics of the dietary restriction, and why the accommodation requested is medically or religiously necessary. The request will be reviewed by the Accommodation Committee, which will make the final determination on whether the meal plan should be reduced or waived.
Other Residence Hall Policies and Information
Students living in residence hall areas that are not gender-specific have the opportunity to determine as a community if the bathrooms will be gendered or not. Any student with a concern about community bathroom use should speak with their community advisor or Community Living.
Bicycle Storage
Students may only store bicycles in their rooms or they may lock them to the bike racks in or outside of their residence halls, where available. For fire safety reasons, bicycles may not be stored in stairwells, hallways, laundry rooms, entranceways, or locked to railings on public walkways.
Dangerous Play
Sports equipment may not be used in the residence halls because of the potential danger to students and property. Use of personal sporting equipment is only permitted on the appropriate field of play.
Deliveries and Third Party Access
Mail or parcel deliveries can be picked up at the Campus Mail Center. Flowers can be picked up at Campus Safety. Food deliveries can be picked up at residence hall exterior doors. Access will not be granted to anyone other than the student assigned to a space. All rental or storage deliveries and pick-ups must be coordinated between the student and the company directly and must happen when the student is permitted to be there and is physically present in the space.
Disabling Locking Mechanisms/Propping Doors
For safety reasons, all residence hall entry doors must be locked and secure at all times.
Game Equipment
There are ping-pong and pool tables in many residence halls. Students are encouraged to use these items and to report any broken or missing pieces to Community Living for replacement.
Students are responsible for the conduct of their guests while on campus. There are no restrictions on the hours that guests may be entertained in students’ rooms, but each student should recognize that this privilege is dependent on acceptance of responsibility to respect the dignity and privacy of roommates and others. No guests may stay longer than three days without permission from the Office of Community Living. Guests with cars must obtain a temporary parking permit from Campus Safety.
All residence halls are equipped with washers and dryers. There is also a laundry room available in the basement of the Bristol Center. All College washers and dryers are operated through funds on one’s Hill Card, with the exception of Bristol’s laundry facilities that are both Hill Card and coin-operated. In order to deposit money onto a student’s Hill Card, one should go to the Hill Card page.
Lounge Furniture
In an effort to make the living environment more comfortable, residence hall lounges and common areas are furnished with couches, chairs, and tables. This furniture is for the use of all residents and may not be used in student rooms or placed outdoors. An inventory of lounge furniture is completed at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Missing furniture is replaced, and replacement costs are charged equally to all the residents of the building.
It is every student’s right to live in a residence hall without being subjected to disturbing noise, regardless of the time of day. Excessive noise is an offense against members of the community. Quiet hours in residence halls housing first-year students will be between 11pm and 8am Sunday through Thursday, and from 1am to 8am Friday and Saturday. Students in upper-class residence halls will have the opportunity to vote on residence hall quiet hours at the beginning of the year.
Regardless of the timing of quiet hours, all students will practice 24 hour courtesy hours and are expected to proactively take measures to minimize disturbances to both other students and the neighboring community. In addition, students in residence halls will respond respectfully to requests from others to reduce the noise levels when asked.
Cats, dogs, birds or other animals are not allowed in the residence halls without prior authorization through the formal process for Emotional Support Animals. Fish tanks up to 10 gallons are the only exception to this policy and may contain only fish. Snakes, reptiles, turtles, etc are not allowed. Heat lamps are also not permitted.
Hamilton College complies with county recycling laws and makes provision for easy compliance in the residence halls. There are designated garbage and recycling collection areas in each living area. Bins are provided for designated items.
Roofs and Ledges
Students are not allowed to use residence hall roofs or ledges for any purpose. This includes sitting or standing on windowsills.
Salespersons and Canvassers
Solicitation is not permitted on the campus or in campus facilities without prior authorization. Authorization does not constitute an endorsement of products or services. All requests to solicit within residential buildings should be directed to the Office of Community Living.
Storage of belongings in the hallway, stairwell or any public space inside or outside of any residence hall is strictly prohibited. Student belongings can only be kept inside assigned bedrooms and apartments. Any belongings left outside of student bedrooms or apartments may be discarded. Students can access information about local storage options on the Office of Community Living website at any time. The College does not endorse or vouch for any specific company.
Residence Hall Fire Prevention
Prohibited Items
- Air Conditioners other than those purchased and installed by the College
- Bars (with or without alcohol)
- Candles and Incense
- Christmas Trees – Live Christmas trees present a fire hazard and are not allowed in the residence halls. Artificial, flame-retardant trees are acceptable.
- Curtains/Drapes – with the exception of those owned and installed by the College.
- Dance Poles
- Dart Boards
- Electric Blankets
- Extension cords – including light-duty, “zip cords,” heavy-duty, etc.
- Fire Pits – not permitted inside or outside on College grounds
- Halogen Lamps
- Hammocks and slacklines – Hammocks and/or slacklines are not permitted outside unless they are actively in use. The hammock and/or slackline should never be left unattended and should be removed after each use.
- Heat Lamps
- Holiday/String Lights (plug-in) – Battery-operated LED lights are permitted.
- Hot Tubs/Pools/water slides – These items are not permitted inside or outside the residence halls.
- Kitchen appliances with exposed heating elements (ex. hot plates, George Foreman grills, etc.)
- Lava Lamps
- Lighter fluid in excess of 4oz
- Pressure cookers
- Propane tanks
- Space Heaters
- Sterno
- Waterbeds
Appliances and Electrical Equipment
Appliances and electrical equipment can overload the electrical capacity of residence halls and cause serious electrical fires, wire damage, and blackouts. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure the safe use of electrical outlets:
All electrical appliances, items, and relocatable power taps (power strips, towers, etc) must be listed. This means they must be Underwriters Laboratory (UL) or Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL)approved and in good operating condition.
The use of small appliances with exposed heating elements is not permitted in residence hall rooms. Students are encouraged to use common residence cooking areas for the preparation of food.
Only one appliance per outlet should be used.
Refrigerators that are 3.2 cubic feet or smaller in size are allowed. Refrigerators and microwaves must be placed in an area where they are properly ventilated (not in closets, under beds, etc.).
All microwaves and refrigerators must be plugged directly into wall outlets. These appliances cannot be plugged into relocatable power taps.
Splicing of electrical wires, telephone or computer network wires or removal of any outlet plates or light switch plates is strictly prohibited.
Relocatable power taps (power strips, towers, etc) are allowed, provided they are polarized or grounded, equipped with over-current protection, and are listed in accordance with UL 1363. The use of multi-plug adapters is not permitted. Relocatable power taps cannot be plugged into other relocatable power taps and must be plugged directly into the wall outlet.
Candles, Incense and Flames
Items intended for burning and sources of an open flame such as incense, candles and burning sage are not permitted in residence halls at any time.
Christmas Trees
Live Christmas trees present a fire hazard and are not allowed in the residence halls. Artificial, flame-retardant trees are acceptable.
Fire Safety Protection Systems
An automatic fire safety protection system has been installed in each residence hall and an electric smoke detector in each room. These systems are in place for the protection of life and property. Tampering with them (which includes covering them with any material), or any other fire safety equipment, including alarms, smoke detectors, heat detectors, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, fire doors or posted fire safety information, may create a severe safety hazard. No items can be hung from or touching sprinkler heads or sprinkler pipes at any time. In addition, the intentional setting of a fire, indoors or outdoors on College property is strictly prohibited. Students found responsible for actions listed above, or who fail to evacuate a building in a timely manner during a fire alarm, will be referred for disciplinary action (and/or civil prosecution) that may result in separation from the College.
Fire Drills
Timed fire drills will be conducted each semester in all the residence halls by Campus Safety, with the assistance of community advisors and area directors. Since these fire drills will be unannounced, it is important for all students to immediately leave their residence hall whenever a fire alarm sounds. Any student who refuses to follow instructions or evacuate the building during a fire drill will be subject to serious disciplinary action.
Inspections of Student Living Spaces
At least once per month, a College employee will enter all spaces, including suites and apartments, where a fire extinguisher is located to inspect equipment and for safe conditions. While in this space, obvious violations of College policy will be reported and may result in warnings or formal consequences.
Once a year, the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control will inspect all campus buildings, including student living spaces in residence halls. The inspection team will enter rooms as requested by the representative from OFPC and any violations found may result in a warning or formal conduct consequences. OFPC will return to campus after the initial inspection to follow up on any cited violations so rooms with violations will be reinspected at that time as well. Persistent violations may result in fines from OFPC, which will be charged to the students assigned to that living space.
Additionally, Community Advisors may conduct health and safety inspections each semester at the request of Community Living. Students will be notified in advance of the inspections. Once the inspection is completed, students will be asked to correct any and all violations immediately.
Fireplaces and Camp Fires
Fireplaces located in residence halls may not be used. Additionally, camp fires are not allowed anywhere on College property without prior authorization. This includes the prohibited possession and/or use of metal fire pits on College property.
Health and Safety Inspections
Community Advisors may conduct health and safety inspections each semester at the request of Community Living. Students will be notified in advance of the inspections. Once the inspection is completed, students will be asked to correct any and all violations immediately.
Holiday/String Lights (plug-in)
Holiday lights or similar decorative lights that plug into an outlet present a fire hazard and are not permitted in the residence halls at any time. Battery operated LED lights are permitted.
Smoking and Vaping
Smoking (including tobacco, electronic cigarettes or similar smoking devices) or vaping is not permitted in residence hall rooms, lounges, public spaces or entranceways. Smoking or vaping outside may not occur within 25 feet of any campus building. This applies to all forms of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, marijuana and also any similar smoking methods or devices.
Wall Coverage
No more than 50% of each wall can be covered with any material at one time in bedrooms. No tapestries or flags are allowed in any other spaces within residence halls other than bedrooms. Flags, tapestries and other items cannot be hung in residence hall windows or outside of residence hall windows for any reason.
Community Living Staff
Assistant Dean of Students for Community Living
The Assistant Dean of Students for Community Living is responsible for developing a comprehensive student development based residential program. The Assistant Dean is also responsible for the administration of student regulations pertaining to the residence halls and the overall management of the residential systems including the student conduct process.
Associate Director for Housing and Conduct
The Associate Director for Housing and Conduct coordinates housing assignments, including room changes, housing selection, summer housing, etc. The Associate Director also assists with the management of the student conduct process and serves as a conduct hearing officer.
Associate Director for Community Living
The Associate Director for Community Living oversees the programmatic aspects of residential living. The Associate Director directly supervises three Area Directors and provides guidance and support for the Community Advisor staff. The Associate Director is also the main source of support for the Special Interest Community Program.
Area Directors
There are three full-time, professional staff members who live on campus and report to the Associate Director of Community Living. They are directly responsible for supervising, training and evaluating the community advisor staff. They also provide direction for community advisors and other students to develop opportunities for meaningful engagement in the residence halls. In addition, they carry out administrative functions such as assessing residence hall damages, mediating roommate conflicts, etc.
Community Advisors
The primary function of the community advisor (CA) is to promote and maintain a positive residence hall community, which is conducive to academic achievement and personal growth and respectful of the rights of all community members. By serving in the roles of peer listener, role model, programmer, and limit setter, the CA helps to facilitate the personal, social and academic development of residents. Under the supervision of an area director, and ultimately the Associate Director of Community Living, the CA is the primary builder of the residence hall community. Community Advisors are important informational resources and can offer students assistance in many areas of their lives, including residence hall concerns, questions about the College and managing personal challenges. They are also responsible for bringing people together in the halls by planning social activities, encouraging interaction among students, and fostering appreciation and respect among members of the campus community.
Residence Hall Leadership Opportunities
Students have the opportunity to become involved in several leadership opportunities in order to provide input into programs and services. Please contact the Office of Community Living to learn more.
Questions and Resources
Hamilton is a residential campus where teaching and learning in all facets of campus life, both in and out of the classroom, are valued. Much of this learning occurs in the residence halls. When you accept admission to Hamilton College, you agree to live in the residence halls and abide by College policies. Please contact Community Living at 315-859-4023 or with any questions or for clarification of any part of this policy.