  • Standing Our Ground: Women, Environmental Justice, and the Fight to End Mountaintop Removal by Visiting Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies Joyce M. Barry was recently published by Ohio University Press as part of the series on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Appalachia.

  • A book co-authored by Peter Rabinowitz, the Sidney Wertimer Professor of Comparative Literature, was the subject of a positive review in Choice (Oct. 2012). Narrative theory: core concepts and critical debates, by David Herman et. al. ( Ohio State, 2012) is called “a wonderful resource for introducing students to four major approaches to the study of narrative and the major debates on the subject of narrative.”

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature Janelle Schwartz is the author of a new book, Worm Work: Recasting Romanticism, published this month by University of Minnesota Press.

  • Cambridge University Press has just released Episcopal Power and Ecclesiastical Reform in the German Empire: Tithes, Lordship, and Community, 950-1150, the first monograph by Assistant Professor of History John Eldevik.

  • Professor of Chinese De Bao Xu edited and published a book, Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, with China Social Sciences Press, (May 2012). The book is a collection of 23 articles selected from the papers at the 6th and the 7th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century.

  • Anne E. Lacsamana, associate professor of women’s studies and chair of the Women’s Studies Department, has authored a new book. Revolutionizing Feminism: The Philippine Women's Movement in the Age of Terror was published this month by Paradigm Publishers.

  • The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit news organization focused on producing in-depth education journalism, published an interview with Daniel Chambliss, the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology, on May 17.  “Q&A with Dan Chambliss: A successful college education can come down to a single conversation” focused on the Mellon Foundation-funded longitudinal study initiated by Chambliss in 2001. The article reviewed some of the study results, which will be included in a forthcoming book titled How College Works, and what implications the results might have for U.S. higher education.

  • Professor of Comparative Literature Peter J. Rabinowitz has co-authored Narrative Theory: Core Concepts and Critical Debates with James Phelan, David Herman, Brian Richardson and Robyn Warhol. In the book, published by Ohio State University Press, the authors examine each of the central concepts in current narrative theory from four perspectives: rhetorical (Rabinowitz and Phelan, writing together), feminist (Warhol), mind-oriented (Herman) and anti-mimetic (Richardson).

  • Barbara Gold, Edward North Professor of Classics, has published a book, A Companion to Roman Love Elegy (Wiley-Blackwell 2012), which she edited and for which she wrote the introduction.  The book has 33 chapters written by contributors from six different countries.

  • Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Joana Sabadell-Nieto has published a book titled Desbordamientos: Transformaciones culturales y políticas de las  mujeres (Overflowings: Cultural and Political Transformations by Women). The result of nearly a decade of research, the book is part of Icaria/Akademia’s “Women and Culture” collection and will be presented in Barcelona later in the month.


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