  • Assistant Professor of Physics Kate Jones-Smith led a gallery talk and discussion on the mathematical and scientific concepts reflected in the Wellin Museum’s current exhibition Alyson Shotz: Force of Nature. The Feb. 19 talk explored how different practical and theoretical elements of math and science apply to Shotz’s work on display, many of which are sculptures named after scientific and mathematical terminology. 

  • Artist Alyson Shotz, drummer and music educator Nasheet Waits, and animator Todd Akita will present a lecture on Tuesday, Feb. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in the Wellin Museum Overlook. They will discuss the process of creating “The Bedroom: Time Lapse,” an animated film featured in the Wellin’s current exhibition “Alyson Shotz: Force of Nature.”

  • Tracy L. Adler, director of the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, welcomed New York City alumni for a talk with artist Casey Ruble on March 7 at Volta NY. Ruble’s work was included in the museum’s fall exhibition A Sense of Place, which was curated by Adler.

  • Tracy Adler, director of the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, moderated an ArtTable panel discussion on “The Art and Science of Museum Engagement” on Feb. 14 in Chicago. The event was part of the College Art Association’s (CAA) annual conference.

  • With 10 days remaining before the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art’s fall exhibitions close, undoubtedly there will be those who wish they had toured the museum earlier and whose schedule now precludes a visit.

  • “A CLEAR VIEW - The Wellin Museum of Art creates a new model for the university museum," an eight-page article published in the September/October issue of Museum Magazine, offers a glowing review of the museum, its staff and its programming. An article that appeared in the August issue of Interior Design magazine, “Edifying Edifices - College museums can teach much more than art history,” also celebrated the Wellin Museum.

  • Alumnus Walter Cronkite IV will appear on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program, also on Thursday, July 11, to discuss Cronkite's War: His World War II Letters Home which he co-authored with Professor of History Maurice Isserman. The segment is scheduled to air at 7:40 a.m. Tracy Adler, Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art director, will talk with WAMC's The Roundtable host Joe Donahue about the museum and its current and future exhibitions. on Thursday, July 11, at 10:35 a.m.

  • In advance of the opening of Dannielle Tegeder: Painting in the Extended Field at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, a video highlighting her work and exhibition was featured on the front page of artdaily.org on April 17. An abstract painter based in New York City, Tegeder’s work challenges the boundaries of traditional painting through the integration of animation, sculpture, installation, photography, and sound. The video was created by Hamilton junior Ben Salzman.

  • Tracy Adler, director of the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, spoke with WAMC host Joe Donahue on the station’s daily Roundtable morning show about the museum’s opening and current exhibition. The Oct. 25 interview can be heard on the WAMC site.

  • A feature story appearing on the Forbes website titled “What's Better Than College Art History 101? A Campus Museum,” features the college’s new Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art. The Oct. 22 article penned by Hamilton alumna Lynn Matthews Douglass ’81 addresses “a new trend on liberal arts campuses to build museums to teach art.”

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