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Associate Professor of Asian Studies Abhishek S. Amar recently organized an international conference on “Monastic institutions and Secularity from the Gupta period to the 15th century.”
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Associate Professor of Asian Studies Abhishek Amar was invited to speak at the conference, "Buddhist Art History in Medieval South and Southeast Asia: Innovations and Interactions."
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Forty-five new faculty members have entered Hamilton’s ranks, including nine tenure-track professors in anthropology, art, computer science, dance and movement studies, economics, government, mathematics and statistics, music, and Russian. They join 31 visiting professors and lecturers, and four teaching fellows for the 2024-25 academic year.
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Thomas Wilson, the Bates and Benjamin Professor of Classical and Religious Studies, recently joined the editorial board of The Journal of Asian Studies as an associate editor.
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Bates and Benjamin Professor of Classical and Religious Studies Thomas Wilson presented a paper titled, "Confucian Ritual Hermeneutics of the Gods,” at the "Confucianism Enchanted" panel of the national meeting of the American Academy of Religion in Denver, in November.
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An article about Confucian cult rites, by Thomas Wilson, the Bates and Benjamin Professor of Classical and Religious Studies, appears in the November issue History of Religions.
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Associate Professor of Asian Studies Abhishek Amar, a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellow, recently presented lectures at the University of Tokyo.
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Associate Professor of Asian Studies Abhishek S. Amar recently delivered a special lecture at an International conference on “Buddhist Cultural Heritage of India: Recent Archaeological Findings” which was organized by Savitribai Phule Pune University, India.
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Dean of Faculty Suzanne Keen recognized 14 faculty members with Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Awards in three categories at the May 3 faculty meeting.
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During his Hamilton years, Michael Lang ’67 was a habitue, maybe the only habitue, of the Rare Book Room (then known as the Treasure Room), which saw little use by students. That seemed a shame to Lang.