  • Roberta Krueger, the Burgess Professor of French, presented a paper titled “Other Bodies, Other Rooms: Moving Forward with Feminism in Medieval French Studies” at the International Congress for Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University on May 12. 

  • Hamilton French classes visited Montreal recently for a weekend of culture and cuisine. Visiting Assistant Professor of French Cynthia Laborde and Teaching Fellow Julien Ribrault escorted the 12 students who included: Rafiatou Ouro Aguy ’18, Wilhelgyne Rose ’19, Marie Fouché ’19, Kyandreia Jones’19, Jade Alvillar ’18, Erin Bernard ’16, Dani Gomes Rodrigues ’18, Dana Holloway ’18, Giovanna Petta ’19, Kirsty Warren ’18, Alan Yeh ’18 and Olivia Paradice ’18.

  • Roberta Krueger, the Burgess Professor of French, presented an invited lecture titled “Piety and Profanity in Medieval Conduct Books: The Case of Antoine de la Sale’s Jean de Saintré” at the University of Missouri on April 7.

  • Professor of French John C. O’Neal was interviewed in French for the electronic journal La Gazette des Délices, no. 48 (Winter 2015), by the Voltaire Museum in Geneva, Switzerland. O’Neal answers questions about his career in 18th-century French studies. See the website.

  • Roberta Krueger, the Burgess Professor of French, recently published “Antoine de la Sale’s Petit Jehan de Saintré and the Comte de Tressan: Libertinage, gallantry and French identity in an eighteenth-century adaptation” in Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanists (Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies).

  • Eunice Lee ’16 has been awarded a 2016-17 Fulbright U.S. student grant to the European Union (EU).  She will research the EU’s food quality policy and how origin and quality regulations affect small farming communities. Lee is an environmental studies and French major and will be based at the French National Institute of Agricultural Research in Toulouse, France, throughout her research. She studied in France during her junior year.

  • The French government has promoted Professor of French John C. O'Neal  to the rank of commandeur in the Ordre des Palmes Académiques (the Order of the French Academic Palms), the highest rank in this order, founded by Napoleon in 1808.

  • Melanie Hawthorne, Cornerstone Professor of French in Texas A&M’s Department of International Studies, will present a lecture titled “Forgetting Gisèle d’Estoc: Lessons in Cultural Memory,” on Thursday, March 3, at 4:10 p.m. in Taylor Science Center room 3042. The lecture is sponsored by Hamilton’s Humanities Forum and is free and open to the public.

  • Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali discussed his book Tu le diras à ma mère on Dec. 17 at the French Ministry of Overseas Affairs in Paris. He was an invited guest of the National Committee for the Memory and History of Slavery.

  • Tu le diras à ma mère, the French version of Tell This to My Mother by Professor of French Joseph Mwantuali, was published in Paris last week by Présence Africaine, a prestigious publishing house in the francophone African world.


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