  • Quinn Brown ’24 carved a distinct path for himself at Hamilton — from outdoor leadership positions to a deep dedication to his educational experiences. His contributions to campus did not go unnoticed. The faculty selected him as winner of this year’s James Soper Merrill Prize, awarded to the senior “who, in character and influence, has typified the highest ideals of the College.”

  • National and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, alumni, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus. May’s news topics included varied subjects from twin co-valedictorians to communism to the consumer price index.

  • Maurice Isserman, the Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History, wrote an essay titled "I spent years studying American communism. Here’s what I learned" for The Guardian published on May 16. Reflecting on “why so many intelligent and admirable people remained so loyal for so long to a fundamentally flawed movement,” Isserman delved into the paradoxical nature of American communism.

  • Members of Hamilton’s Class of 2024 have walked off the Commencement stage, canes in hand, and out into the world ready to make a difference.

  • In a letter to the editor titled “What’s in a mane? Everything, if it honors treason and slavery” in The Washington Post, Visiting Professor of History Ty Seidule emphasized that “Whom we honor reflects our values.”

  • Julien Swoap ’24 won first place in the Oral Communication Center’s Three Minute Thesis competition on April 27. The neuroscience major spoke on Investigating the Impact of Intrusive Thoughts on Selective Attention.

  • Honor Flight Syracuse is an organization that flies approximately 80 veterans several times a year to Washington, D.C., to visit the monuments dedicated to their service. The veterans’ return to Syracuse is celebrated with a ceremony in their honor. On April 27, the program was hosted by Visiting Professor of History and Brigadier. General (retired) Ty Seidule.

  • At the annual Class & Charter Day convocation on May 7, 158 students were honored with academic prizes and scholarships, and faculty teaching award recipients were recognized. Among top awards, Quinn Brown ’24, received the James Soper Merrill Prize, and Josef Kubofcik ’25 received the Fillius Drown Prize Scholarship.

  • April’s news topics included varied subjects from the eclipse to the NFL draft. Links are provided, but some may require subscriptions to access content. Please contact Vige Barrie if you cannot open a link or do not have a subscription.

  • Professor of History John Eldevik recently presented the inaugural Institute Alumni Lecture at the Austrian Academy of Science's Institute for Medieval Research in Vienna.


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