  • Harvard Law School professor and author Janet Halley will give a lecture, “A Legal Realist Analysis of Rape Law: The Case of Rusk v. State,” on Thursday, Feb. 12, at 4:15 p.m., in the Kirner-Johnson Building’s Bradford Auditorium. The lecture is free and open to the public and sponsored by the Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center.

  • With coffee cups in hand and notebooks out, 13 students met bright and early on Monday morning Jan. 12 – more than a week before classes started – to start the week-long Levitt Center Social Innovation Fellows program, led by Professor Anke Wessels, executive director of Cornell University’s Center for Transformative Action. With the help of Wessels, students were gathered to receive training and support for socially innovative projects and programs.

  • “There will never, ever, be another you. There never has been, and there never will be.” The bold statement from Prudence Bushnell, former Ambassador to Kenya and Guatemala as well as the former Sol M. Linowitz Visiting Professor of International Relations at Hamilton College, set the tone for the diverse group of Hamilton students participating in the 4th annual Levitt Leadership Institute, Jan. 12-16.

  • Hamilton research projects were featured in letters to the editor in both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal this week. On Jan. 13, a letter by Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate and Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight about their research on the transition of sacred spaces was published by the Journal. A letter by Senior Director of Media Relations Vige Barrie about a Levitt Youth Poll was included in the Jan. 13 edition of the Times.

  • Spring semester classes don’t begin until Jan. 20 but 39 Hamilton students are back on campus a week early to take part in two Levitt Center programs. Twenty-six students are participating in the fourth Levitt Leadership Institute and 13 are involved in the Social Innovation Fellow Program.

  • Three Hamilton students have been selected to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) that will take place in March 6-8 at the University of Miami, Florida. Ryan Ong  ’16, Sharif Shrestha ’17 and Jose Vazquez ’15  will attend CGI U along with Tsion Tsefaye ’16 who was chosen in November.

  • The Class of 2018’s Leadership Experience And Preparation (LEAP) program’s 12th and final meeting took place on Nov. 16. Sixteen Hamilton first-year students along with four LEAP mentors, gathered in a KJ classroom to escape the cold, Clinton November day, and discuss what goes into making an effective leader.

  • Officials at the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) have recently selected Tsion Tesfaye ’16 to attend their annual meeting in recognition of her innovative project Youth for Ethiopia. It will take place in Miami in March.

  • Associate Professor of Anthropology Chaise LaDousa published an article, “Subject to Address in a Digital Literacy Initiative: Neoliberal Agency and the Promises and Predicaments of Participation,” in the current issue of the journal Signs and Society.

  • The Levitt Center on Nov. 10 hosted Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee, a world-renowned oncologist, scientist, and writer, who gave a lecture on the history of cancer research and its most recent strides.


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