Tutoring Services
Peer consultants provide coaching and advice on a variety of assignment types—solo or group presentations, debates, panel discussions, podcasts, readings, oral exams, poster presentations—and at any stage in the process, from conception, planning, and development to practicing and revising to review and critique.
Conferences are often required by professors, but many students choose to have conferences even if they are not required. Since the key goal in oral communication is audience comprehension, it's helpful to have a listener with whom you can test your ideas for coherence, clarity, and overall effectiveness.
The consultants will provide constructive feedback that will help you make the most of your strengths and help you develop strategies for improving effectiveness.
Your consultant can help you manage challenges such as these:
- clarifying your objective and thesis
- using evidence and citing sources effectively
- organizing your message
- engaging your audience
- adapting a paper for oral presentation
- using language correctly and effectively
- using voice and body language effectively
- integrating audiovisual elements (e.g., PowerPoint)
- building confidence and composure
- handling Q & A periods
- taking oral exams
- leading and participating in group discussion
Office / Department Name
Oral Communication Center
Contact Name
Amy Gaffney
Oral Communication Center Director