STEM includes fields such as actuarial science, computer science, genetics, engineering, technology and more. Hamiltonians in this industry work at places such as Google, IBM, Bio-Rad Laboratories, AECOM, and more.
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Career-Related Experience

To gain experience and develop skills in this industry, consider pursuing a career related experience. Here is a list of ideas to explore:

  • County or state departments of health
  • Environmental consulting firm (hydrology, air, soil, wetland assessment)
  • Humane Society
  • Nature Center
  • State Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Nonprofit organization with health or science mission
  • Local zoo

  • Community Blood Center
  • Cooperative extension office (i.e., Cornell)
  • Hamilton College Summer Science Research Program
  • Local vet clinic – lab work
  • Medical & diagnostic laboratories
  • Other university research laboratories

Not sure where to start? Book an appointment with your Career Coach!

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