Alumni and faculty members who would like to have their books considered for this listing should contact Stacey Himmelberger, editor of Hamilton magazine. This list, which dates back to 2018, is updated periodically with books appearing alphabetically on the date of entry.
Footnotes by Douglas Hyde ’65
October 13, 2023

Tags Alumni Book
(Bloomfield, Conn.: Antrim House, 2019).
One reviewer described the author’s debut collection of poetry this way: “Doug Hyde, with his wide lens and clear eye, draws us in through his meticulous observation of both nature and human nature. He shows us what it feels like to climb a mountain, to note bird songs or a returning nesting squirrel, or to feel the poignancy of intimate engagement with those he loves. The love poems seem lit from within. There is puckish humor here too, as when he manages to get a granddaughter to behave at table or to wear clothes while helping to build a wall. There is also loss in the lived experience recounted, as when love is temporarily lost until a bridge can be rebuilt. In the face of life’s inevitable losses, Hyde’s poems offer solace: ‘And so we persevere . . . measuring our days.’ He tells ‘heart’s truth,’ and our souls are nourished as if we’d spent time with an especially wise and observant friend.”
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Stacey Himmelberger
Editor of Hamilton magazine