
Alumni and faculty members who would like to have their books considered for this listing should contact Stacey Himmelberger, editor of Hamilton magazine. This list, which dates back to 2018, is updated periodically with books appearing alphabetically on the date of entry.

Unlocking the Potential of Post-Industrial Cities by Matthew E. Kahn ’88 and Mac McComas

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(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021)

The authors note that the urban centers of New York City, Seattle, and San Francisco have enjoyed tremendous economic success and population growth in recent years. Yet at the same time, cities like Baltimore and Detroit have experienced population loss and economic decline. Drawing from an analysis of economic and demographic trends, they explore how the public and private sectors can craft policies and make investments that create safe, green cities where young people reach their full potential.

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Stacey Himmelberger

Editor of Hamilton magazine

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