Honor Code
Any form of academic dishonesty, cheating, falsification, misrepresentation, forgery, or plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, using electronic translation tools or AI, is a serious offense in an academic community. In the HiF program, such dishonesty will normally result in HiF to contact the student home institution, removal from the course, separation from the Program, or all. It is essential, therefore, that you understand the standards of academic honesty.
- Work submitted in courses must be the student’s own and original. Students may consult friends or native speakers about a very limited number of specific problems but their work may not be proofread, corrected or rewritten by others or by electronic tools. Exceptions to this rule must be made explicitly by the instructor and/or resident director, and must apply to all students. You are strongly encouraged as well to ascertain the format in which individual faculty members expect and will accept references from secondary resources.
- Plagiarism is a violation of intellectual honesty. The habit of intellectual honesty is the foundation of an academic community. Effective evaluation of student work and helpful instruction can take place only in an environment where intellectual honesty is respected. Plagiarism represents a failure to acknowledge the source of ideas or phrases gained from another person and used in any paper, exercise, or project submitted in a course.
- The submission of one piece of work in more than one course (self-plagiarism) without the explicit permission of the instructors and the Director-in-Residence is prohibited.
The director will refer to Hamilton Off-Campus Studies and Dean of Student/Honor Court any student who does not comply with the above rules, is physically aggressive, destructive of property, or self-destructive, violates the dignity of others, disrupts the educational function of the Program, is otherwise detrimental to its operation—either internally or vis-à-vis the host country and affiliated institutions—or demonstrates an inability to participate constructively in the Program.
The director in conjunction with the home institution Honor Court is responsible for disciplinary action. This means they may issue a written warning with copy to the home institution or place a student on probation if they judge that the circumstances do not warrant immediate dismissal. Expulsion is accompanied by notification to the student’s home institution and to parents/guardians. Students who are expelled should not expect refunds and may not be able to complete their credit.

Student Blog
Students share their discoveries, challenges, and adventures during the Hamilton in France program.
Hamilton in France