Student Responsibilities
With the freedom and individual responsibility given to students in European universities, Hamilton in France members must conduct themselves in a responsible way representative of their home institution. HiF assumes that emotionally mature undergraduates understand what constitutes responsible behavior without written rules for every occasion, but some rules will be clearly stated at the time of enrollment.
Members of Hamilton in France are, above all, students and should make their academic life their first priority. Summer vacations, two weeks in December, two weeks during spring semester and long weekends offer ample opportunity for travel.
Students are under the supervision of the HiF staff, with the support of the Hamilton College administration in the U.S. in case of emergency. This supervision terminates only with the official conclusion of the semester or year. The HiF staff have the authority to place a student on probation or recommend a student for formal dismissal when the student's work or conduct warrants such action.
General Policies
No matter the degree of the students’ immersion into Paris life, as a member of the Hamilton program, all students are expected to abide by Hamilton in France’s fundamental rules of conduct, listed below.
- Students must comply with health and security protocols which HiF and Hamilton college will design according to U.S. and French regulations. These may change during the semester, according to the evolution of situations.
- Students must attend all classes. Only a serious excuse (i.e. illness) should prevent a student from being present at all classes. (Visiting friends and family should organize their visits around the student’s academic schedule—these are not acceptable reasons to miss classes.) Be aware that French instructors may give the impression that they do not notice student absences, but they do and will use attendance as part of their final evaluation.
- Students must complete all assigned work for each class in which they are officially registered. Students will not be allowed to drop a class at the end of the semester because of a poor grade or excessive absences. To receive full credit, some classes include a mandatory tutorial, or extra written work. The Academic Director makes these decisions. To avoid any misunderstanding regarding end-of-semester work, students will be asked to submit to the HiF Director copies of papers and exposés done in courses at all institutions outside HiF and the Consortium.
- Illegal drugs will not be tolerated. Hamilton College reserves the right to dismiss from the Hamilton in France program any student who violates the laws of the host country, including those that relate to use, possession, or distribution of drugs.
- Alcohol use should be moderate and responsible. Loud, uncivil behavior resulting from over-drinking is not typical of French culture. Alcohol abuse is a serious social and medical problem and will be considered as such by HiF. Students are not to drink alcohol in their room in the host home. Host families will contact us if they have concerns about any abuse.
- Overnight absences: Students must notify in writing the HiF staff and their hosts whenever they leave their host's lodging overnight.
- Cell phone: At all times, students must maintain a working cell phone in France with a French phone number, and keep the HiF staff apprised of the number and any changes to it. Students must be able to receive and make phone calls on this phone. We ask that students buy a French SIM card when arriving in France to have a French phone number (prior to departure, students should make sure to unlock their phone otherwise the SIM card won’t work).
- HiF students may not own or drive a motor vehicle (i.e. car rental) while a member of the program. The usage of other motorized modes of transportation (scooters, shared bicycles etc..) is discouraged and done under the entire student responsibility.

Student Blog
Students share their discoveries, challenges, and adventures during the Hamilton in France program.
Hamilton in France