Project Title: Encuentros
Description: Encuentros, which means “encounter” or “meeting” in Spanish, is a long-running language and culture magazine which has released an issue per year since 2020. The organized, scrollable, and searchable website, created by faculty members and students from the Department of Hispanic Students in conjunction with Digital Initiatives, Scholarship, and Collaboration (DISC), features intriguing title cards which, when clicked, reveal articles, essays, poems, personal narratives, and short stories. Hosted on Library & Information Technology Services’ (LITS') Domain of One’s Own, which provides a stable and accessible location for websites, archives, and other digital projects, the ever-evolving magazine is a testament to student and faculty engagement with, and immersion in, foreign language and culture. LITS’ Domain of One’s Own proffers multifaceted possibilities to showcase student achievement and foster collaboration between students, classes, and disciplines.
Deliverables: Website
Date: 2023 - 2024
Principal: Marcelo Carosi; Joana Sabadell-Nieto
Collaborators: Douglas Higgins; Lisa McFall; Taylor McDowell
Students: Ilsaa Siddiqui '25
Departments and Offices: Hispanic Studies; Library and Information Technology Services
Digital Initiatives, Scholarship, and Collaboration