
American Communal Societies Quarterly, Volume 15, no. 3 - July 1, 2021

Tags American Communal Societies Quarterly

ACSQ 15.3

  • From the Editor
  • Reconsidering the Shaker Tree of Life: Cultural Antecedents & Fresh Interpretations by Carol Medlicott
  • An Attempt to Have a Law Enacted by the General Court in Boston to Allow Heirs to Inherit Property Previously Dedicated to the Shakers by Stephen J. Paterwic
  • Document One: Citizens of York County, Maine, Petition to the General Court of Massachusetts, May 1817
  • Document Two: Sabbathday Lake, Maine, Shakers’ Letter to the General Court of Massachusetts, January 2, 1818
  • Document Three: Massachusetts’ Shaker Communities’ Letter to the General Court of Massachusetts, January 1818

Front cover illustration: The Tree of Life (New York: Kelloggs & Thayer, 1845 or 1846). Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Back cover illustration: “Central Part of Pittsfield, Mass,” Drawn by J. W. Barber, Engraved by S. E. Brown, Boston. From John Warner Barber, Massachusetts Historical Collections (Worcester: Published by Dorr, Howland & Co., 1839).

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