Network and Telephone Services - Internet Information
Last updated: July 20, 2020
Internet Connection Information
Hamilton College has a 2000 Mbps (2Gbps) primary Internet connection and a 1000 Mbps (iGbps) secondary internet connection (for redundancy) over high speed fiber optic lines provided by Spectrum. The Internet connection at Hamilton is a shared resource and is managed in a fashion to give priority to the academic/administrative mission of the college while providing student connectivity (residence halls and wireless) similar to a residential cable modem service.
If you are interested in testing your Internet connection speed, click on one of the links below. Native apps are also available for mobile devices as well as macOS and Windows—search the app store for "Speedtest by Ookla".
Your fastest results should come from the Spectrum server in Syracuse, NY. Ping times and download/upload speeds will decrease as you test using servers further away from Hamilton.
Note - Maximum download/upload speeds for wired connections in residence halls are capped at 100Mbps. Wireless connections are not capped, however wireless speeds will vary based on the current strength of your wireless signal.
There are also some wired ports (in academic and administrative buildings) that still operate at a maximum of 100Mbps. If your speeds are "capped" at 100Mbps, you are likely connected to one of these network ports.
Team Name
Network and Telecommunications Services
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
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