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A poster is a vital communications tool that truly bridges the disciplines: students and faculty in most academic divisions use posters to communicate their ideas in course projects, at academic conferences, to the public, and beyond.

Accordingly, our large format poster service involves far more than printing. Posters require a thorough, careful design process, and we partner with individuals and classes at every step: from a poster's humble beginnings as a Powerpoint slide, to selecting colors, to designing an effective layout, to considering the environment in which you'll display the poster, to helping you find appropriate images, to helping you print your work.

Though we strongly encourage you to contact us for assistance, here are a few links to help you throughout the poster design process:

When you're ready to print your poster, here is our printing appointment form. Faculty interested in incorporating large format printing are encouraged to e-mail course-support@hamilton.edu to begin a comprehensive design process.


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Last updated: August 31, 2018


Team Name

Research & Instructional Design

Office Location
Burke Library
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323

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