
Showing articles tagged with American Communal Societies Quarterly

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    • From the Editor
    • Earliest Known Photograph of Zoar Separatists by Wm. B. Becker
    • Facsimile: The Childhood Days of Salwt, the Messenger to the 7th Church in Israel, and the Only 7th Messenger in the World by Daniel Salwt, [ca. 1925]

    Front cover illustration: Unidentified photographer, Michael, Joseph, and Johanna
    Miller, Zoar Separatists. Sixth-plate daguerreotype (2.75 x 3.25 inches), Wm. B.
    Becker Collection Back cover illustration: J. C. Haring (active Masillon, Ohio), Michael J. Miller
    late in life, reading. Cabinet card, 1880s. Courtesy Ohio History Connection,
    number 3236.

    • From the Editor
    • Reconsidering the Shaker Tree of Life: Cultural Antecedents & Fresh Interpretations by Carol Medlicott
    • An Attempt to Have a Law Enacted by the General Court in Boston to Allow Heirs to Inherit Property Previously Dedicated to the Shakers by Stephen J. Paterwic
    • Document One: Citizens of York County, Maine, Petition to the General Court of Massachusetts, May 1817
    • Document Two: Sabbathday Lake, Maine, Shakers’ Letter to the General Court of Massachusetts, January 2, 1818
    • Document Three: Massachusetts’ Shaker Communities’ Letter to the General Court of Massachusetts, January 1818

    Front cover illustration: The Tree of Life (New York: Kelloggs & Thayer, 1845 or 1846). Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Back cover illustration: “Central Part of Pittsfield, Mass,” Drawn by J. W. Barber, Engraved by S. E. Brown, Boston. From John Warner Barber, Massachusetts Historical Collections (Worcester: Published by Dorr, Howland & Co., 1839).

    • From the Editor
    • The Harvard Shakers' Mill on Bennett's Brook by Ned Quist
    • Shaking the Faith at Twenty-Five: Reflections on Shaker Research in the Digital Age by Elizabeth DeWolfe
    • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. the Harvard Shakers by Cynthia Barton
    • The South Family of the Hancock Shakers, circa 1818-1849 by Stephen J. Paterwic
    • Elwin E. Damkohler's Account of the Koreshan Unity

    Front cover illustration: Bennett's Brook Mill in 1896. Detail of photo by William A. Wright, April 6, 1896. Courtesy of the Trustees of Reservations, Archives and Research Center. Back cover illustration: The Bennett's Brook Mill looking northeast from the Mill Pond's south shore. Photo by Harrison E. Evans, June 1, 1907. Courtesy of the Ayer Library, Ayer, Mass.

    • From the Editor
    • "A great blessing to mankind!": The Medicated Vapour Bath at the Shaker Community of New Lebanon by Kerry Hackett
    • Mothers and Daughters at White Water Shaker Village by Thomas Sakmyster
    • Six Scenes from the Sixties by Tom Fels

    Front cover illustration: Tony Matthews relaxing on the front steps, Montague Farm. Photo: Laura Bradley. Collection of the author. Back cover illustration: Milking time: writer Jesse Kornbluth and farmer Tony Matthews, Montague, 1969. Photo: Tom Fels. Collection of the author.

  •  July and October 2020

    • From the Editor
    • "The Price of Blood": Shaker Revolutionary War Veterans and Military Pensions by Christian Goodwillie.
    • Shaker Revolutionary War Veterans: Pension Narratives and Related Documents

    Front cover illustration: Nathaniel Draper's Discharge Certificate. M804, Record Group 15, Records of the Veterans Administration, National Archives. Back cover illustration: Carte Generale Des Colonies Angloises Dans L'Amerique Septentrionale, 1779.

    • From the Editor
    • The "Christian German Agricultural and Benevolent, Society of Ora et Labora" by Walter Brumm
    • Document: "The Ora Labora Colony" by Emil Baur
    • Plans Underway For Cabins From Ora Labora Colony To Be Restored by Mike Hardy
    • Document: The Shakers. [A Visitor's Account of Hancock, Massachusetts, 1858]. by Therese Albertine Luise von Jakob Robinson

    Front cover illustration: Ora et Labora Colony map. "The colored lands belong to the Ora Labora Colony." Manuscript Group 185: Harmony Society Papers, Business File. Courtesy of Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Old Economy Village Archives. Back cover illustration: Ora Labora, Mish. Lithograph by Ehrgott, Fororiger & Co. Lithogr. Cinicinnati. Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan.

    • From the Editor
    • The Shaker Meetinghouse: 230 Years of Worship, Tourism, and Preservation by Christian Goodwillie
    • The White Water, Ohio, Shaker Community: A Newly Discovered 1877 Visitor's Account by Thomas Sakmyster
    • The Shakers. A Day with the Communists of the Whitewater Valley. Westliche Blatter (May 22, 1877)
    • A Photograph of the 1908 Print Shop at the Israelite House of David by Brian Ziebart
    • Portraits: Sister Mary Purnell and Brother Benjamin Purnell

    Front cover illustration: Brother Hiram Baker and his bicycle in the meeting room of the 1793 meetinghouse at Enfield, New Hampshire. Salt print by Lewis Johnson, August 1902. Courtesy of Robert P. Emlen. Back cover illustration: Print Shop, Israelite House of David, prior to the 1908 fire that destroyed the building. Courtesy of the Israelite House of David.

  • July and October 2019

    • From the Editor
    • A Short History of the Columbian Phalanx by Julieanna Frost
    • Document: "A Journal of a Journey from Canterbury to Enfield [Connecticut]" introduced and edited by Stephen J. Paterwic
    • Why Historians Should Examine Shaker Novels and Short Stories: Exposing Century-Old Misconceptions of Shaker Life by Richard Marshall
    • Personal Visits and Observations: Charles Nordhoff's Remarkable Tour of American Communal Societies by Peter Hoehnle

    Front and back cover illustrations from: J.F. Witherell, ed., The Anti-Millerite and Scriptural Expositor (Concord, N.H.: 1843).


    • From the Editor
    • Shaker Brothers in the Spirit: The Exchange of Ideas and Spiritual Gifts between Seth Youngs Wells and Calvin Green by Jane F. Crosthwaite
    • Document: "A Beautiful Box of Gifts and Emblems of Presence Given to Calvin Green as a Token of Eternal Blessings....Copied November 25th 1847"
    • "Blacksmith by Trade" : The Journey of African- American Shaker Justinian Cartwright by Rebekah Brummett
    • Document: An Account of an American Commune in the Soviet Union during the 1920s by Arthur B. Ruhl

    Front and back cover illustrations: "A Beautiful Box of Gifts and Emblems of Presence Given to Calvin Green as a Token of Eternal Blessings....Copied November 25th 1847." Canterbury Shaker Village Archives, #788.

    • From the Editor
    • Utopia, Ohio, 1844-1847: Seedbed for Three Experiments in Communal Living by Cori L. Flatt and Peter A. Hoehnle
    • From Württemberg to Zoar: Origins of a Separatist Community by Eberhard Fritz
    • Document: Questioning of the Separatists of Rottenacker after the Quartering of a Military Command, May 1804
    • Document: Visitor's Account of the Shaker Community at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, by Clara von Gerstner

    Front cover illustration: A Separatist star, the only one known to exist in Württemberg. It is attached to a document in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. Courtesy of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart A 213 Bü 3091 Back cover illustration: Clermont Phalanx, as painted by A.J. MacDonald. Courtesy of the Beinecke Library, Yale University, GEN MSS 1394.

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